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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Aku Tidak Melihat (Lagi) Indonesia

A middle-aged man told me:
In the past my childhood away from the frenetic politics and economics, I see the landscape of paddy fields which side of the maturation of irrigation facilities built by the government. Rice fields, gurgling water and the birds singing is my daily companion to spend time and enjoy the clear rain falling down on the ground. Government school building made ​​of wood, sometimes without smeared  paint, there we were declared the national anthem songs that build nasionaliame life since childhood. I so love Indonesia while it occasionally enjoying the song "Flirt Coconut Island" or "The Kucinta Desaku" of Radio Republik Indonesia because at that time we did not know television.

With additional stories from my grandfather who was a Veteran of independence, the more I love Indonesia and never aspire to be a soldier though I never signed up for selection into the army. That's what I saw Indonesia, a country that gemah ripah lohjinawi, and seasoned self-sufficiency in energy and food, the dreaded opponents respected friend as an Asian tiger.
The passage of time has brought Indonesia to see first into a fight globalization. A fight that was created by people who used to be nicknamed colonialism and now holds neolib. The fight that was created with neolib rules, the jury neolib, neolib players, a fight that would not be fair or unfair even though we should be able to win the battle.
The fight has now made Indonesia battered, full of bruises and cuts slashed everywhere. Wounds so easily pierced Indonesia because fighters enter the ring is not real fighters but fraudsters masquerading as a knight, and foolishly risking the nation even though he knew he had lost because he is a traitor who gained trust. I no longer see Indonesia in that fight any cuts because the earth has been stuck pertiwi foreign sword with banners. Indonesia Where is it now?
The fight is not over, there is still a little time left. There is no other way to save Indonesia, fighters should be replaced with knights motherland. The fight can not continue while Indonesia was represented by fighters cheaters, which will undoubtedly fail. This gelisahku greet the dawn, where the knight is now? Because I do not see anymore Indonesia.

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